Software Bpath Network

Real(?) Record Counting

Language: C++
Compiler: MS Visual C++ 5.0 SP3
Environment: Windows 9x/NT
ODBC & Database: Access,

What's this?

This method solves a real problem: How can I know the real number of records in a table without walking through all of them?
The answer is easy: use the SQL command SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MYTABLE and get the result.

How does it work?

This represents the implementation to solve this problem:

The header -a part of it-

class CMyRecordset : public CRecordset
    long GetRecordCount();
    CMyRecordset(CDatabase* pDatabase = NULL);

// Field/Param Data
    //{{AFX_FIELD(CMyRecordset, CRecordset)

// Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX); // RFX support

// Implementation
#ifdef _DEBUG
    virtual void AssertValid() const;
    virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;

The code -the most important part of it-

long CMyRecordset::GetRecordCount()
    SDWORD nCount=0, cbCount;
    UCHAR* szStmt = new UCHAR[2048];
    UCHAR* szDSN = new UCHAR[255];
    UCHAR* szUID = new UCHAR[255];
    UCHAR* szPWD = new UCHAR[255];
    int nPosDNS_Start, nPosDNS_End,
        nPosUID_Start, nPosUID_End,
        nPosPWD_Start, nPosPWD_End;
    int nPosFrom, nPosWhere, nPosOrder;
    CString sConnect, sBuffer;
    CString sSQL, sSQLUpper, sDummy;
    SQLHENV hEnv = 0;
    SQLHDBC hDBC = 0;
    SQLHSTMT hStmt = 0;

    // get connection string & SQL string
    sConnect = GetDefaultConnect();
    sSQL = GetSQL();
    wsprintf( (char*)szDSN, "");
    wsprintf( (char*)szUID, "");
    wsprintf( (char*)szPWD, "");

    // let's read tokens
    sSQLUpper = sSQL;
    nPosFrom = sSQLUpper.Find( " FROM " );
    nPosWhere = sSQLUpper.Find( " WHERE " );
    nPosOrder = sSQLUpper.Find( " ORDER BY " );

    // search for table(s)
    if( nPosWhere != -1 ) {
        sDummy = sSQL.Mid( nPosFrom+6, nPosWhere-(nPosFrom+6) );
    } else {
        if( nPosOrder != -1) {
            sDummy = sSQL.Mid( nPosFrom+6, nPosOrder-(nPosFrom+6) );
        } else{
            sDummy = sSQL.Right( sSQL.GetLength() - (nPosFrom+6));
    sBuffer.Format( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s", sDummy );

    // search for filter
    if( nPosWhere > 0 ) {
        if( nPosWhere < nPosOrder )
            sBuffer += sSQL.Mid( nPosWhere, nPosOrder - nPosWhere );
            sBuffer += sSQL.Right( sSQL.GetLength() - nPosWhere );

    wsprintf((char*)szStmt, sBuffer);

    // connections string is ODBC;DSN=____;UID=____;PWD=____

    // get DSN
    sBuffer = sConnect;
    nPosDNS_Start = sBuffer.Find("DSN=");
    if( nPosDNS_Start != -1 ) {
        sBuffer = sBuffer.Right( sBuffer.GetLength() - nPosDNS_Start -4);
    nPosDNS_End = sBuffer.Find(";");
        // here is DSN
        if( nPosDNS_End != -1 )
            wsprintf( (char*)szDSN, sBuffer.Left(nPosDNS_End));

    // get UID
    sBuffer = sConnect;
    nPosUID_Start = sConnect.Find("UID=");
    if( nPosUID_Start != -1 ) {
        sBuffer = sBuffer.Right( sBuffer.GetLength() - nPosUID_Start -4);
        nPosUID_End = sBuffer.Find(";");
        if( nPosUID_End != -1 )
            wsprintf( (char*)szUID, sBuffer.Left(nPosUID_End));

    // get PWD
    sBuffer = sConnect;
    nPosPWD_Start = sConnect.Find("PWD=");
    if( nPosPWD_Start != -1 ) {
        sBuffer = sBuffer.Right( sBuffer.GetLength() - nPosPWD_Start -4);
        nPosPWD_End = sBuffer.Find(";");
        if( nPosPWD_End != -1 )
            wsprintf( (char*)szPWD, sBuffer.Left(nPosPWD_End));

    if( SQL_ERROR != SQLAllocEnv( &hEnv) )
        if( SQL_ERROR != SQLAllocConnect( hEnv, &hDBC) )
            if( SQL_ERROR != SQLConnect(hDBC, szDSN, SQL_NTS, szUID, SQL_NTS, szPWD, SQL_NTS) )
                if( SQL_ERROR != SQLAllocStmt( hDBC, &hStmt) )
                    if( SQL_ERROR != SQLPrepare(hStmt, (unsigned char*)szStmt, SQL_NTS) )
                        if( SQL_ERROR != SQLBindCol(hStmt, 1, SQL_C_LONG, &nCount, 0, &cbCount) )
                            if( SQL_ERROR != SQLExecute( hStmt) )
                    SQLFreeStmt(hStmt, SQL_CLOSE);

    delete[] szDSN;
    delete[] szStmt;
    delete[] szUID;
    delete[] szPWD;

    return nCount;


Call this function receiveing the real number of records in your table.

Remember to insert a space before and after FORM, WHERE and ORDER BY.
Note you cannot use SQL clauses like GROUP BY and HAVING.

There is a little bug usign the clause COUNT(*):

if you have two tables and a view like these:


and use this method, the result isn't correct. The number of records returned will be the number of the records of first table (TABLE1). To walk around this error, you ca use this trick:


With this method the answer is correct: the number returned by RecordCount is the number of the records in TABLE1 multiplied the number of records in TABLE2.

That's all!

Now you can send me a comment or suggestions for next atricles. Thanks.
Feel free to contact me if you found an error (any kind) in this article.

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